Period 3 Monday 23rd November
Scenario: 1st year Art - Ms.Carter, 40 minutes
Students pile in on time quietly - some are still quite shy and introverted as they've only been here 3 months. This will change in time.
Teacher waits for students to settle and eventually asks for silence so she can give the instruction for today.- starting with getting the art packs out.
She begins by pulling up the projector blind and underneath reveals the learning intentions which she’s written before the class to tell them what they'll be doing today - they're in very student friendly language - easy to understand.
Teacher voice - she's soft spoken in a very big room - she instructs the to continue on with the work they were issued the week before - they are creating abstract paintings of the school monument- creating repetitive patterns and seems to be only allowed to choose 3 colours. Last class, she tells me, they completed a drawing of their patterns and today they are painting it.
She gives a small demo by standing in the centre of the class using a flat brush and explains why the painting should be done using this tool as t has a flat edge, the same as the monument (the monument is geometric in shape)
After giving instruction she gives time to answer any questions
The student gets on with the task and she circulates the room to assist students who need help. The work is on a3 paper but some students have done it on a4 which I assume is her inclusive practice
After the students are done she allows about 10 minutes for clean up, delegates her tasks for water to be poured back out and palettes to be cleaned - 2 to each of the 3 sinks
She then evaluates the learning by ask them questions that are based mostly on the practical sides of the project
They pile out in groups once the bell goes
What I have taken from observing this class : learning intentions - many teachers I realise don't share their intentions - which is questionable because we are being taught to do this in college- but I think it add good clarity and quality to the lesson, and this means they are on the same page as you for the whole lesson