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Observation Four


Updated: Jan 31, 2021

Period 3 Friday 20th November

Scenario : 6th Year Art History -Ms. Harrington, 40 minutes

  • I decided to watch this class, As i am now going to be having a timetable change which means I will no longer have 5th year and will instead have this class ; this is good so I know what kind of teaching methodology they are used to and secretly how I can add more quality to what the may already know

  • This class is quite small - 11 instead of 22 in class

  • The teacher is very relaxed - she maintains a very chilled out relaxed learning atmosphere and the students very clearly see her as an ally - they are focusing on the impressionists- today looking at claude monet and his many paintings of the rouen cathedral

  • Students take while to settle but the teacher introduces me to let students know i'm not an inspector ro anything too intimidating

  • She addresses each by name - they have a good relationship - asking how she is and what not - nice to see

  • The way in which she dos art history is instead of actually making a presentation and being at the top of the class like Ido, she sits with them with the art history book open and goes through the content of it, expanding on each point and asking them if they understand - there are no questions and not a lot of questioning - very theory based and resembles more of a college lecture than an interactive senior cycle theory class

  • She pays specific attention to subject matter, function, composition and paint application, with a little intro to the man himself.

  • After 20 minutes she then put on a video about impressionism from discussing the period

  • The video is very interesting and putting one’self in student’s shoes - it was easier to follow than the verbal narration from book

  • Students then 5 minutes before the bell begin to put back their books - the teacher ensures the books don't leave the room and nobody brings them home to make sure no one loses them

  • She then proceeds to tell them about what we will cover next week


What I have taken from observing this class : support studies and expanded practices at this time - there are SO MANY other influential factors that are significant to the development of this particular time period in european art - this needs to be addressed within my first class with them . they need notes and practical elements, which i will plan to incorporate into my plans with them



Laura Anne Carolan 


Contact number: (085) 1538526

© Laura Anne Carolan 2020

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