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Observation One


Updated: Jan 31, 2021

Period 5 Monday 9th November

Scenario : 5th Year French Class - Ms. Malone (PME) 40 minute class

  • In this class Ms. Malone is teaching french school themed nouns through a powerpoint on the board, and asking student to write them down and then write a few lines describing their school experience

  • Her slides are not in any way decorated and she is using a turquoise theme and black comic sans as her font with easy imagery - nothing too distracting, straight to the point - She is a PME and is in her 1st year teaching.

  • She allows for almost 20 minutes to take them down and then 20 minutes to create decent sentences, an

  • Her tone is stern but still warm. I can see how this might come across as a good balance for students, as she's young and positive, and uses a lot of positive reinforcement as a way to encourage and motivate students

  • Students are fairly well behaved which is impressive and 100% down to her the teacher’s classroom management - they ask questions, mostly about translations as they work quietly and she circulates the room to answer questions

  • One student challenged Ms. Malone on a word to the point it could be perceived as quite cheeky - She handled this by using sarcasm and the student responded with more sarcasm: sarcasm is a common theme in teaching in this school. I don't know if this is a method I’d approach a cheeky student with. Responding with sarcasm is responding with the lowest form of wit, and students can be met with a misconception of the teacher’s actual management and authority in the class

  • Teacher then asks few volunteers to say out loud their written french sentences and she allows them to say their whole sentence before going into depth on how they can improve, asking them to take notes on her corrections on their grammar


What I have taken from Observing this class: I could be more relaxed in my teaching. I may be a bit panicked right now and I need to be more aware that this doesn't become apparent in my teaching.

Additionally , enthusiasm - It's so important to be clearly excited about your subject. Without realising, your ‘vibe’ affects the people you're in the classroom with and they will bounce off whichever energy you're displaying that day



Laura Anne Carolan 


Contact number: (085) 1538526

© Laura Anne Carolan 2020

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