Period 8 : Monday 9th November
Scenario: 2nd Year Religion Class - Ms. Morrison, 40 minute class
This class we are in the class pod group class, so we go to them, rather than them go to us
The class starts with the teacher introducing me as an inspector as a joke and many students are from my own class and they are unfortunately distracted by me being here.
Class begins by correcting homework - many don't have it done and Ms. Morrison does little to reinforce the consequence , discusses the importance of homework - to assist their own independent learning and help drill the information in.
So far there’s a lot of what could be considered as bad behaviour and lack of interest, many students are on phones and not paying attention, and little is being done about it .
The homework seems to be based on islam, and today they are focusing more on that as learning content
They go one by one to read out a few lines each- I assume to ensure that each student is paying attention - this could cause a bit of anxiety for students as public speaking isn't for everyone, but nonetheless, this is carried through for a few pages
Teacher then goes on to expand on in easier terms on what they've just read to help them to understand - no questions have been asked yet by students
Teacher follows up verbal and auditory learning content with a video for the visual learners based off the topic for about 10 minutes which I am noticing that only few students are engaged with, which she points out and encourages them to pay attention - to be personal, this particular teacher is very soft natured and kind and it seems students are taking advantage of that. They know they can get away with not paying attention, and probably see Religion as one of the least important subjects, when in reality Religion teaches much about ethics and morals, which are absolutely important for development
Teacher allows students to pack up early by 5 minutes and they talk among themselves until the bell goes in which students pile out of the class in bundles
What I have taken from Observing this class: The importance of Classroom Management - Each student needs to be paying attention in order for good work to produce good work, and I think being a warm and kind person is wonderful and can create a lovely safe learning atmosphere, but in this school in particular, students will chew you up and spit you out as soon as they realise that they can get around you in any way, so maintaining a balance between being an open minded and kind person and also having a neck thick enough to be able to tell a student to wisen up is something I need to contribute to in my own practice
